Monday, September 13, 2010

Words from the Well, 5

The Secret GardenI hope it's the fifth one!  I'm just going to buzz through this now, but I'll be back later in the week with a fresh review of... something.

Once again, it's no relaxing Sunday evening on the couch, rather a late-afternoon at the desk, but here's what I got this past week:

The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame (the real one this time!)

The Wind in the Willows (Signet Classics)Pretty soon I will grace you with the completed review of The Wind in the Willows before the former, just because I promised.  Not that I mind re-reading it (or any good book, for that matter), so stay tuned, as it shouldn't take me very long provided there's no Olde English.

So, The Secret Garden - let me say that I just loved this movie as a kid.  I loved the nasty little girl, the gorgeous English house she's moved to, the magical key she finds to the even magical-er secret garden she finds.  It resonates with my secret-otherworld fascination, which I think came originally from Alice in Wonderland.  Well, it's all looking very English, too, so it's almost like I've got a real theme going - let's call this the Erstwhile English theme, why don't we?  We'll have it appear sporadically throughout the blog's life, so now I have to plan plenty of English-related reads.  Taking requests, as always, so pretend this is a relaxing Sunday evening, get yourself a cup of hot tea since it is pretty much fall now in the northern hemisphere, and stay in touch with a comment/two if you will!  It's 5 o'clock and I am out!